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Refund policy - 30 Days Money-back Guarantee
At HostPido, we prioritize customer satisfaction with all our hosting services. That’s why we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee for hosting plans. If our services don’t meet your expectations, you can request a refund for your hosting fees, provided the following conditions are fulfilled:
- Refund request is submitted within 30 days of initial order
- Refund is not requested for a non-refundable product/service.
Non-refundable products/services
Refunds are not available for products or services sourced from third-party providers where refunds cannot be processed. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Domains – If a service is canceled and a refund is requested, and the plan included a free domain name, HostPido will deduct the standard retail price of the domain from the refundable amount. The domain will remain active until its expiration date, and the client may:
- – Allow it to expire they no longer need it
- – Renew it with HostPido, or
- – Transfer it to another provider of their choice.
- SSL Certificates
- software licences – All software licences including but not limited to Jetbackups, cPanel account licences, all Plesk licences, Windows Server Standard, Remote Desktop, MS SQL, MY SQL, MS Office.
- Dedicated Servers, Cloud Servers and VPS are NOT subject to a 30 day money back. We need a 30 day notice in case you would like to cancel the service. No refunds are offered for these services.
- Refunds will not be issued for one-time fees. These include, but are not limited to, charges for setup, account restoration, domain redemption, and similar services.
- Domains – If a service is canceled and a refund is requested, and the plan included a free domain name, HostPido will deduct the standard retail price of the domain from the refundable amount. The domain will remain active until its expiration date, and the client may:
This refund policy is subject to our Terms and Conditions. We encourage you to review them for complete details.
Please contact us if you need any assistance in this regard.